I am a writer, speaker, business consultant, coach and teacher. For more than twenty years I have been coaching organizations on themes like leadershap, vision and strategy, inspiration, creativity and innovation. I have designed several leadership development programmes and coached management teams to take a next step in realising their vision & values. I help individuals in finding their purpose and what it is that inspires them in life.
In my coaching, I work from a background of Andragology, Organisation Studies, Philosophy and Spirituality. I see leadershap as consciously giving direction to your own behaviour and that of people around you. To do that authentically, a vision that is lived and acted upon is crucial. I coach leaders to find their passion and inspiration, so they can connect people for a meaningful cause. I help organizations to develop programmes for a new generation of leaders, who reconcile spirit and business. I believe in the soul, the vital source of life that is in every human being. When we act from our heart, our life gets meaning and we can make a difference for the people around us. Life should’t be lived carefully or half, we’d better surrender to it wholeheartedly. Every minute of our life counts. In my work I look for that source of life and I challenge clients to bring out the best of themselves and to make the most of every day. In this way we get richer and world more beautiful. Authenticity, openness, passion, uniqueness and room for reflection are my main values. I’d like to be a co-guardian for our rich civilization: the wealth of imagination, poetic language, the arts and the world of ideas, nuance and decency, courteousness and the universal human.In my programmes I relentlessly stand for that which makes us truly human. To be able to contribute that, I make sure that there is a balance between activity and stillness, between working with people and being alone, out in nature.
My motto:
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs
Ask yourself what makes you come alive
and bring that to the world.
Cause what the world needs
are people who have come alive.
Writing is my geratest passion. Among my publications (in Dutch): Met Ziel en Zakelijkheid (Scriptum, 2009, 2001), Leiderschap voor een mooie wereld (Asoka, 2009), Praktijkboek Werken met Paradoxen (Asoka, 2006) and De Kracht van Bezieling (Scriptum, 1999). Some of my articles has been translated in English.
Find translated articles.